Diego Costa has been the main man at Atletico for the last few years, but the club has been gradually losing ground to its rivals. The Portuguese has been in charge for almost two years, and the team is gradually losing its shape.
However, the team has been progressing, and it is now a real contender for the champion title. The main rival of Atletico is Barcelona, and this is reflected in the results of the team. The Catalans are not as strong as they used to be, and they have not been able to show their full strength for several years.
In the last season, the club lost a lot of points, and even though the team managed to win the Copa del Rey, it was not enough to win La Liga.
However the main thing is that the team will not lose points in the Champions League, because it is a long tournament. The team will have to fight for the places in the Europa League zone, and if it does not get into the top-4, then it will not be able to compete for the title.
The team’s rivals are:
* Real;
* Barcelona;
* Atletico.
It is obvious that the latter will be able not only to win, but also to finish in the top 4.
Will the team of Josep Guardiola be able for a long time to stay in the elite of Spanish football?
The main goal of the club is to get into European competitions. The first step is to the Champions league, where the team needs to get to the group stage. However, it is not easy to get there, because the team does not have the strongest lineup.
Real Madrid is the main rival, and so far, the Madrid team has not been as strong, but it is still able to get in the group.
At the moment, the main problem of the Catalans is the lack of motivation. The players do not want to play in the European cups, and that is why they do not show their best game.
This is reflected not only in the result of the matches, but in the behavior of the players. The club has not won any trophy for a few years now, and there is a lack of desire to win.
There are also rumors that the club will sell some of its best players. This is not the right way to strengthen the team, because if the club does not want this, then the players have to leave.
Josep Guardiola’s squad will have a tough time in the long tournament distance. The coach has a long list of players, and he has to choose the most suitable ones.
Main rivals of Atleti
The club has a lot to lose, because its rivals are not so strong. The most important thing for the team to do is to finish at the top of the standings.
One of the main problems of the Madrid club is the fact that the coach does not take the necessary measures to strengthen his lineup. The current lineup is not very good, and many players are not able to play at the same time.
Moreover, the players are tired of playing in the Spanish league. They want to win gold medals in the international arena.
That is why the team”s main goal is to win in the domestic championship. The Madrid team is not in the strongest of positions, and its rivals have a good chance to get ahead of the Meringues.
What are the main chances of Barcelona?
Barcelona is not so far behind the Merseses in terms of the struggle for the Champions title. This time, the Catalonians are not in a good shape. The previous season, they were in the final of the Copacabana, and now they are not even in the first round of the Champions.
They have not won the Champions for a year and a half, and their main rivals are Real and Atletico, who are also in a bad shape. However the Catalons have a lot more advantages over their competitors.
First of all, the Barcelona lineup is stronger than the one of the Royal club. The lineup of the Spanish team includes many players who are not used to playing in La Liga, and also many of them are not at their best.
Secondly, the coach has the strongest squad in the world. The Catalan has a good team, and most of the members of his lineup are able to take part in the matches.
Thirdly, the Meryem has a new coach. The new coach is a real specialist in the field of football, and his experience will help the team in the future.
All this together makes the Catalonian team a real favorite of the season.
How will the team look in the new season?
This season, Barcelona will be much stronger than it was in the previous one. The Meringue’ players are in a poor shape, and in the next season, it will be very difficult for them to compete with the Catalunya.
Of course, the Catalan team has a great advantage over its rivals, but they have to use it wisely. The Barcelona lineup has a high level of play, and a lot can be done with the team if it is properly managed.
Another thing that the Catalones have is the experience of the previous season.